Opportunities to Volunteer

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There are many opportunities to help Massaro Community Farm this season.  Whether you’re lending a hand with a craft or activity at Family Fun Day or contributing to programming decisions, there’s a wide range of opportunities to volunteer at the farm!
– General volunteer interests, please get in touch with Caty Poole through our farm office at (203-736-8618) or via email at[email protected].
– Volunteers to assist with games and kid’s crafts onFamily Fun Day (please respond by September 30) can sign up HERE.
– Those with a particular interest in the type of programming we offer are encouraged to attend a monthly Education Committee meeting. These generally take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month but times can vary. Contact education director Robyn Stewart at via email at[email protected].
– If you have a skill, such as teaching, marketing, outreach, financial planning or other that you’d like to share, please contact ED Caty Poole (see above) for ways you can get involved and support the farm.
Thank you to all our 2016 volunteers and look forward to an announcement for a volunteer thank-you event later this season!