Growing is Good

Dinner on the Farm!

Get them while they last! Tickets are on sale now for this limited seating feast set among the fields and flowers of Massaro Community Farm. Join us for this all inclusive meal featuring lamb and chicken, slow roasted beans for our vegetarian/vegan
friends, a multitude of vegetable dishes featuring the seasonal harvest, beer, wine and desserts. You can purchase tickets by sending a check to the farm or visiting the website here.  Hurry and get them while they’re here, because we sell out every year! $150/pp or $1500/table of 12 (that’s 2 FREE tickets!)



Upcoming Workshops
Are you looking to expand your knowledge base this summer? We have some fun workshops
coming up that we would love to have you join us for!
-July 22nd: Beekeeping Class
Fall Hive Preparation at 9am with a second session at 11:30
-July 22nd: Wild Plant and Fungi Foraging for Summer
10:30-1:00pm with The Three Foragers
Sign up for the event here!
-August 24: Fermenting at the Farm with Sara Servin
6:00pm-7:30pm- Sign up here
More Workshops being worked on now, so check the Farm calendar frequently for updates!
Have an idea for a workshop? Feel free to email ideas to Becca at [email protected]

The New Haven Land Trust is currently looking to hire a full time Operations Manager.
This person should have strong organizational skills and a passion for community
and environment, who can both manage the administrative tasks of the organization
and play a supporting role to the many ongoing projects and strategic initiatives
that the Land Trust is implementing. For more information, check out the listing
here  and contact Executive Director, Justin Elicker with your resume and cover letter
by July 21st.

Natalie Gladden, our dedicated FoodCorps Service Member (FoodCorps is an Americorps program) has been hard at work throughout the last couple months, helping school gardens (and minds) grow! She nearly single-handedly reclaimed an unused garden at Ansonia High School, and has been guiding young hands at growing lots of herbs,
lettuce, squash, peppers and more at the YMCA and other nearby schools.
Part of Natalie’s service is also tied to supporting the statewide summer meals blitz, making sure that all who are entitled take part in the Summer Meal program, this year featuring the wonderful zucchini! “Put Some Squash in Your Summer!” is a campaign designed to help improve participation in summer meals, increase vegetable consumption, offer educational activities at summer meal sites, and support local
agriculture by encouraging the use of local produce.
Throughout all of this there are lots of hands in the soil and food being tasted from the kids’ gardens. Natalie has been doing an incredible job spending at least 800 hours of in-depth service with kids over the last 10 months. We’re happy that she’ll be returning to serve another service term with us again next year!

There are lots of different places that you could get your veggies from, but did you know that we are now showing up at four different markets?
Of course we’re in New Haven on Saturday and Sunday, but if you don’t live in New Haven, we got some other locations for you!
Walnut Beach Market Stand– every Thursday from 4pm-7pm, until October 19th, we are set up under the Walnut Beach arch in Milford, selling our delicious vegetables.
If you can come out, maybe you might treat yourself to some delicious Walnut Beach Creamery Ice Cream or stop by for some mind/body healing at the Walnut Beach Wellness & Boutique on the way out!
Woodbridge Library Farmer’s Market– In conjunction with the Woodbridge Music series,
every Tuesdays in July and August from 5:30-8pm we will be attending the Woodbridge
Market. Come and get some veggies while you listen to a selection of live bands
in July and screened movies in August. Great for families!

Woodbridge Rec Summer Camp @ Massaro
August 7-11 and 14-18
Registration is OPEN for this year’s Woodbridge Rec Summer Camp at Massaro Farm. Space is limited for this half-day program for your child to be fully immersed
on the farm. Sign up for one week or two and we promise we’ll have your kids working hard and eating LOTS of farm fresh veggies! Download a registration form HERE 