Join Our CSA
Community Supported Agriculture is a partnership between farmers and their customers. You receive the freshest organic produce weekly, helping the farm to pre-plan the growing season.
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Find our fresh vegetables at farmers markets throughout the growing season.
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Massaro Farm Membership
We encourage membership of the farm through a variety of levels of financial support. A voting member is someone who makes a financial contribution in the amount of $50 or more to support the organization's activities. It also gives you the fulfillment of being part of this very worthwhile venture. It does not, however, entitle you to shares of produce. See below for information regarding produce subscriptions.
Each member receives our bi-weekly newsletter, and is entitled to attend the annual meeting and shall have "one vote in the election of Directors of the corporation, and on any other matter for which members are entitled to vote under the Connecticut Nonstock Corporation Law."
As a 501(c)3 organization, you can be assured your membership dollars go directly to supporting continued farming on historic farmland, supplying nourishment to the food insecure in our area, and to our educational programming efforts for all ages. Suggested basic Membership is $50 and offers you the satisfaction of maintaining a valuable community asset. However, we accept Membership at any level, especially for students and seniors on a fixed income. We thank you for your support!
Renew or become a new member online
Or print and mail us this Membership Form
Donations Welcome
Donations of any amount are welcome. Donations of any size and membership fees should be made payable to Massaro Community Farm, Inc. and directed to the attention of our treasurer, 41 Ford Road, Woodbridge, CT 06525. All contributions, including memberships and gifts-in-kind, to the Massaro Community Farm qualify as tax deductions, (please consult your tax advisor).
Join Our CSA
Community Supported Agriculture or CSA, has become a very popular food system network over the past 20 years in America. It allows for individuals to support local farms by buying directly from the farmer. By buying a “share” or subscription at the farm, the consumer participates in the farming life by sharing the risk as well as the food with other members and receives a box of seasonal farm goods each week throughout the season. Join our CSA.