Would it blow your mind to know that we’re harvesting broccoli, lettuce mix and spinach from our high tunnels? It might still feel like winter outside but farm staff is reporting for duty and planting crops that will yield the abundant produce for our CSA in June. Now is the time for you to secure your spot in Massaro’s 2018 CSA and join other like-minded people around the country who are committed to:
- eating healthy foods and preparing them for their families
- supporting farmers
- buying local
- investing in community
Signing up NOW is an essential aspect of the CSA model. By doing so you provide the necessary funds to support the growing operation, then you get to enjoy the bounty as it is harvested throughout the season.
Download the Registration Form or sign up online for the Massaro Farm CSA to get our certified organic produce, June through October, grown right here at Massaro . On farm pick up, delivery and (NEW!) flexible season options available.
The farm thanks its event & program supporters.
Community Foundation of Greater New Haven
Valley Community Foundation
The Werth Family Foundation
The MFUNd * William & Jeannie Graustein
The La Tronica Family
The Crippled Children’s Fund
PepsiCo * Stihl
Paul & Judith DeCoster * Southern CT State University
Buckley, Wynne & Parese * Laticrete International * Griffin Hospital
Real Living-Wareck D’Ostillio * The Kayne Family
BIC Corporation * Coldwell Banker Real Estate
Hocon Gas, Inc. * Schaefer Inspection Services
Wells Fargo
A-1 Toyota * Ciola Excavation LLC * Guido & Anne Calibrese * Nancy Daoud
Encon * Jacobi, Case & Speranzini PC * Serv-Pro of Milford-Orange-Sratford
Marcus Insurance * Stop & Shop