
Join Our CSA

Community Supported Agriculture is a partnership between farmers and their customers. You receive the freshest organic produce weekly, helping the farm to pre-plan the growing season.

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Background: Massaro Community Farm (MCF) is a nonprofit certified organic farm in Woodbridge, CT. Our mission is to Keep Farming, Feed People and Build Community. We fulfill this mission by offering the sale of produce to seasonal CSA subscribers, to restaurants and at farmers markets. MCF also offers farm-based education for youth and adults, and holds community building events. We donate at least 10% of our harvest to hunger relief agencies, which averages at least 6,500 pounds of produce annually.

MCF Vision Statement: We envision a world where everyone has access to fresh, local, healthy, affordable food, where communities feel connected to the land and each other, and where hands-on engagement helps individuals build a healthier future for themselves and for the planet.

Workplace Culture: We value a culture of respect, kindness, and care on the farm, for each other and for the land. We practice this by using regenerative and organic growing practices, and by prioritizing farm worker wellbeing. It is our goal to increase equity in our local food system by creating a welcoming environment where BIPOC farmers and LQBTQ+ farmers can learn and thrive. We recognize that the US agricultural system is built on exploitation and oppression, and we work to undo those legacies by acknowledging them and addressing the ways they may show up in our work. 

Massaro Farm is an "equal opportunity employer." Massaro Farm will not discriminate in employment, recruitment, advertisements for employment, compensation, termination, upgrading, promotions, and other conditions of employment against any employee or job applicant on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, gender expression, or sexual orientation.

We strongly encourage applicants from people of color, immigrants, women, people with disabilities, members of the LGBTQ community, people whose native language is something other than English, and other underrepresented and historically marginalized groups.