Keep Farming.Feed People.Build Community.
It’s CSA Week!Secure your 2023 subscription todayDid you know that small family farms account for nearly 90% of all farms in the US?Show your love for small farms by purchasing your seasonal subscription this week. Small farms not only reduce your carbon footprint but they protect natural resources in your area.Subscribe this week for your season of vegetables, fruit, eggs and flowers. Sign up by February 25 and we’ll give you a FREE jar of heirloom salsa! Sliding scale pricing available.
Window Closing to ‘Buy a Brick;’Order by February 28 toSupport the Farm’s Learning Garden PavilionIn 2022, we realized a goal of partnering with Emmett O’Brien Technical School students to construct an educational pavilion in the farm’s Learning Garden. The basic structure is complete; however, we still need to complete the installation of solar panels and a restroom.Etch your place in farm history by purchasing a brick that will encircle the foundation of the pavilion. Bricks come in two sizes and can be purchased through the farm’s website or using the following link. Bricks will be ordered in March and installed this spring. Small brick (4” x 8”): $100; Large brick (8” x 8”); $250.
Comedy for a Cause 2Saturday, March 11Get your tickets now for this laugh-out-loud event to benefit the farm’s hunger relief and education programs. Six talented comedians will tickle your funny bone from the stage at the Strand Theater in Seymour. Doors open at 6:30pm; show begins at 7:00pm. Last year’s show sold out; purchase tickets early! $30/pp.
Maple SugaringSaturday, March 112pmVisit the farm on March 11 at 2:00pm for an outdoor hands-on workshop on the Basics of Maple Sugaring; learn to tap your own maple trees and make delicious maple syrup! Go over basic tools for tapping and learn about each step in creating maple syrup. Includes sampling of maple syrup at various stages of processing. This event will take place rain or shine; only heavy snow or icy conditions will cancel. If weather allows, we can check out the taps in the farm woods. $20/pp.
Thanks to our 2023 Mission Based Sponsors:Retina SystemsLeClaire Heating & Air ConditioningExplorers ChildcareThe Glass SourceKES Landscaping & Tree ServiceJimmie’s Place